API Reference

The following section outlines the API of mobilemoney.py.

Version Info


A string representation of the version


class mobilemoney.Client()



The following exceptions are thrown by the library.

Please note that every request are susceptible to throw all these exception. Make sure to handle it well.

exception mobilemoney.MomoException

The base Exception for mobilemoney.py

exception mobilemoney.HTTPException (response, message )

Exception that’s raised when an HTTP request operation fails.

exception mobilemoney.Unauthorized ( response, message )

Exception that’s raised for when status code 401 occurs.

subclass of HTTPException

exception mobilemoney.MomoServerError ( response, message )

Exception that’s raised for when status code 500 occurs.

subclass of HTTPException

exception mobilemoney.InvalidData ( response, message )

Exception that’s raised for when status code 400 occurs.

subclass of HTTPException

exception mobilemoney.NotFound ( response, message )

Exception that’s raised for when status code 404 occurs.

subclass of HTTPException

exception mobilemoney.Conflict ( response, message )

Exception that’s raised for when status code 409 occurs.

subclass of HTTPException

exception mobilemoney.InvalidUniqueIDVersion

Exception that's raised for when UUID is not a valid version 4.

subclass of Exception

exception mobilemoney.InvalidBasicToken

Exception that's raised for a invalid Basic token type.

subclass of Exception

exception mobilemoney.InvalidBearerToken

Exception that's raised for a invalid Bearer token type.

subclass of Exception

Last updated